The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR) is a world-class centre for multi-disciplinary disaster prevention research and communications. ICLR was established by Canada’s property and casualty (p&c) insurance industry as an independent, not-for-profit research institute affiliated with Western University. Institute staff and research associates are international leaders in wind and seismic engineering, atmospheric science, risk perception, hydrology, economics, geography, health sciences, public policy and a number of other disciplines.
Canada’s insurers created ICLR in 1997 to reduce injuries and loss of life and prevent property damage from natural hazards. Our efforts are based on the belief that most disaster loss and damage can be prevented through the application of emerging scientific knowledge. ICLR’s plan concentrates on turning emerging research into action by homeowners, builders, governments and other stakeholders that build disaster resilience.
Our focus is on five perils – water damage, extreme wind, urban earthquake, wildfires near the urban interface, and hail. We seek to secure and share scientific knowledge that will support action to reduce the risk that these hazards cause harm. We believe that there is considerable scope to enhance current efforts across Canada, primarily through partnership with other private sector and public sector stakeholders.
Plans for each peril area include a comprehensive review of potential actions. These actions include research and engagement to communicate findings. The Institute’s 2017-2021 five-year strategic plan addresses the four priorities. The Institute should:
• Guide actions to reduce the risk of basement flooding • Champion the construction of disaster-resilient homes • Support efforts to enhance the resilience of existing homes • Promote the use of risk financing mechanisms like insurance
The research and outreach actions set out in this plan are bold, ambitious, and critical to enhance the safety of Canadians. Most can be addressed in the short term with the resources that have typically been provided to ICLR and its research associates by member insurers and government research funding agencies.
Toronto Office
20 Richmond Street East, Suite 210 Toronto, Ontario M5C 2R9 Phone: (416) 364-8677 Fax: (416) 354-5889 The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction is located on Richmond Street, one half-block east of Yonge street in downtown Toronto.