Flood/drought papers Adjusting to Policy and Fiscal Change: The Case of Land Use Planning in London, Ontario
Bridget Schulte-Hostedde and Dan Shrubsole
October 2002
ICLR Research
Paper Series – No. 22
The research assessed the performance and process of land use planning in the City of London for the period 1978-1998. Changes in provincial policies and funding, and how the City of London and 2 referral agencies – the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority – adapted to these changes are described and assessed. Data sources included planning and development files, interviews with relevant agency officials, and aerial photography from 1978 and 1998. The results indicate that the City of London has responded well to the evolution of wetland policy in both process and outcome. While there is a perception that OMNR and UTRCA roles may be overlapping and somewhat redundant, analysis suggests that there are clear and distinct responsibilities. Indeed, the public and the insurance industry could be well served by having some modest degree of overlap among public agencies to ensure that issues are properly considered in the land use planning process.