Dr. Simonovic has over twenty-five years of research, teaching and consulting experience in water resources engineering. He teaches courses in civil engineering and water resources systems and actively works for national and international professional organizations such as the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, the International Association of Hydrological Sciences and the International Hydrologic Program of UNESCO. He has received a number of awards for excellence in teaching, research and outreach. Dr. Simonovic has been invited to present special courses for practicing water resources engineers in many countries. He is serving as the associate editor of two water resources journals, and participates actively in the organization of national and international meetings. He has over 250 professional publications.
Dr. Simonovic's primary research interest focuses on the application of systems approach to, and development of the decision support tools of, the management of complex water and environmental systems. Most of his work is related to the integration of risk, reliability, uncertainty, simulation and optimization in hydrology and water resources management. Dr. Simonovic’s second research area is water resources decision support. He has undertaken applied research projects that integrate mathematical modeling, data-base management, geographic information systems and intelligent interface development into decision support tools for water resources decision makers. The main focus of his current research is related to flood prevention and management. Most of his research is being conducted through the Facility for Intelligent Decision Support (FIDS) at the University of Western Ontario.
Subject Matter - Systems modeling; Risk and reliability; Water resources and environmental systems analysis; Computer-based decision support systems development; Water resources education and training.
Topic Area - Reservoirs; Flood control; Hydropower energy; Operational hydrology
The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction
Toronto Office 20 Richmond Street East, Suite 210, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2R9 Tel: (416) 364-8677 Fax: (416) 364-5889
London Office Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory Western University 1151 Richmond Street, London, Canada N6A 5B9 Tel: (519) 661-3234 Fax: (519) 661-4273